Why We Give Back

Why We Give Back

Within the addiction recovery community, there are many who like to help others in recovery. Some even make helping others through treatment and recovery their jobs. There is a lot of passion surrounding helping others through the process that they once went through....
Why is Quitting So Hard?

Why is Quitting So Hard?

On paper, it is easy to see why you should quit using drugs or alcohol. Perhaps people in your life have encouraged you, or you’ve lost friends, partners, family, jobs, or worse because of your addiction. All of these motivations make it very clear that you need to...
Why Community Facilitates Healing

Why Community Facilitates Healing

Imagine walking all alone on a rickety bridge over a deep cavern, with rapids below. Now imagine someone there with their hand outstretched to you, encouraging you and helping you to navigate the weak spots. Better, right? Now imagine an entire group of people, all...
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