Whether it’s in an individual setting or a group setting, talk therapy can have positive impacts on just about anyone willing to talk. By sharing our experiences with others we can put them into perspective as well as gain insight from an outsider. 

What is Talk Therapy?

Developed in the 19th century, talk therapy, also referred to as psychotherapy, is a type of therapy where an individual shares their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with a professional who can help them to cope, organize, and understand them. Talk therapy can also help us to change our patterns of thought and behavior to live healthier and more productive lives.  Receiving talk therapy is not limited to people with mental health disorders and is offered to anyone who may benefit from it. 

Talk therapy is widely recognized as one of the most effective ways to treat mental health disorders and is often recommended by doctors and psychiatrists when a person begins displaying the symptoms of a mental health disorder. It is also the most effective non-invasive treatment for mental health issues and does not require the patient to receive medication, surgeries, or blood work. There are multiple approaches to talk therapy, and each one can be helpful for different problems and types of people. 

Psychoanlalytic Therapy

In psychoanalytic therapy, the focus is on uncovering repressed and buried memories that may subconsciously cause harmful thoughts and behaviors. This type of therapy works well for those who may be struggling with trauma. By addressing painful memories and recognizing that they are only memories, many people are better able to acknowledge where their harmful or self-destructive behavior comes from which allows them to begin to change their responses to different situations. Through psychotherapy, some people can completely overcome their trauma and develop new perspectives and approaches to life, relationships, and themselves. 

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy 

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, or DBT, is a therapy focused on addressing intense emotions and thoughts. DBT takes into consideration an individual’s triggers and ways to cope with them. It is broken up into four modules: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Each module outlines different “skills” that an individual may utilize to reach stability in varying situations. DBT can work well for people who struggle with controlling their thoughts, feelings, and/or actions. Individuals who do well with more structure and direction may also benefit from DBT. DBT is often recommended for those who may struggle with substance abuse or mood disorders. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Like DBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is concerned with triggers and the way we respond to them. While DBT focuses on practices that an individual may use when faced with distress, CBT is based on the concept of “cognitive distortions.” Cognitive distortions are thoughts that may be irrational or exaggerated and are rooted in the effects of mental illnesses. Cognitive distortions may cause an individual to catastrophize situations and enter into worsened states of depression or anxiety. 

To address these cognitive distortions, CBT attempts to interrupt and reshape the negative thought patterns that cause them. CBT is a widely applied form of therapy and can benefit many types of people with varying disorders including substance abuse, eating disorders, and mood disorders. 

What are My Options?

There are many other types of talk therapy available for many different problems. Knowing which type of therapy might work for you may be a decision that a mental health professional will make based on your symptoms and needs. However, even if you don’t know exactly what kind of talk therapy you may be interested in pursuing, know that talk therapy can benefit you. Talk therapy is the main method through which mental health disorders and other kinds of emotional distress are treated. 

Each approach to talk therapy is backed by clinical data and research, meaning that they have been proven to help. If you are interested in receiving treatment for a disorder or other issue, therapy can be a wonderful place to start. It may take trial and error to find a therapist and an approach that works for you, but engaging in talk therapy even when it isn’t the perfect fit can expand our thought processes and help us to better understand our needs. 

Talk therapy and its many approaches can provide relief and healing to individuals who may be suffering from depression, anxiety, addiction, or other mental health disorders. If you are struggling with addiction and want to receive treatment, call Rancho Milagro at (951) 526-4582 to discuss your treatment options. Rancho Milagro is located in the secluded hills of Temecula, CA, and can provide you with the private and peaceful recovery that you deserve. We believe that the path to recovery looks different for each individual so we ensure that all of our patients receive personalized and attentive treatment. Our staff is committed to your recovery, treating you with compassion, and listening to your needs. At Rancho Milagro, we believe in treating the entire person: mind, body, and spirit. That’s why we offer detox and inpatient care as well as various types of therapies including art and massage. Our ranch is home to more than 20 rescued farm and therapy animals as well as miles of private trails. 

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