The path to recovery is not an easy one — overcoming addiction can be one of the most difficult things a person can do. Being able to commit to getting sober and starting your journey of recovery is already a big step. However, no matter how much you may want to reach sobriety, your body may disagree with you. Recovery is a constant battle between you and yourself as well as the world around you. Knowing your limits and taking things one step at a time will help you reach sobriety and do so safely.
Understanding Withdrawal Symptoms
In the same way that our minds may become dependent on the effects of substances, our bodies and brains begin to adapt to them as well. At a certain point, whatever substances we’re using integrate themselves into the normal functioning of our bodies. When we stop using them we can experience symptoms like headaches, nausea, vomiting, irritability, and many others.
The Risks of Withdrawal Symptoms
Beyond the discomfort caused by these symptoms, they can impact our ability to carry out daily functions as well as our relationships with others. Monitoring them and making sure that you’re checking in with a support system is important. Though depending on the substance, these symptoms can subside on their own. However, for some substances such as alcohol or heroin, withdrawal symptoms can be deadly. Without proper monitoring and pacing, sudden removal of these substances can result in painful and intense withdrawal symptoms, and even death. While quitting cold-turkey may seem like the only way to go, it can be extremely dangerous and result in serious consequences.
Moving Too Fast
Trying to jump out of addiction and into sobriety in one movement can not only result in harmful side effects but may also make it more difficult to stay sober. Without establishing a plan, a support system, or other measures to ensure that you don’t relapse, you are more likely to do so. Forcing yourself to try to get sober faster than you or your body are ready to can cause extra stress that may entice you to fall back into old habits. Placing too much pressure on yourself is an easy way to break yourself down and give up. Part of knowing your limits is loving yourself and approaching your recovery the way you may direct a friend to.
When Each Day is a Battle
You’re fighting yourself and your urges while simultaneously fighting your body’s needs and the pressures of the world around you. Recovery is not easy and each day it’s important to remind yourself of this. Not because the difficulty should make you want to quit, but because the difficulty is only proof of how strong you are and what you are capable of. The stigma behind addiction and recovery may get to you at times but that stigma is based on a lack of knowledge and experience. The truth is that addiction isn’t easy and that recovery isn’t any easier. Allowing others’ expectations of you to influence how you move through recovery will only cause you to push yourself too hard.
Seeking Care
Getting sober and managing recovery on your own is no small task. In fact, in some cases, it can be impossible to recover without the help of medical professionals. That’s why groups like AA and NA exist to help you navigate life in recovery and why across the United States there are treatment facilities dedicated specifically to help you reach recovery. Stepping away from your life to take time at a treatment center may seem scary, however, being in a space focused entirely on your recovery where stressors and triggers cannot reach you is something that you deserve. Having a medical professional or team to assist you in your recovery will ensure that you come off of substances in a safe and controlled way. There is no shame in seeking help with your addiction and sometimes seeking help is the only way we can truly recover.
Showing Yourself Compassion
Above all, make sure you are treating yourself with care. Getting sober in itself is an act of self-love and throughout the process, you can continue to treat yourself with the same compassion. You are human just like anyone else and you should never expect more of yourself than you would of another person in your position.
Recovery is a difficult journey and being able to pace yourself can be difficult. Knowing when to forgive yourself and when to seek help are important parts of a successful recovery. If you are struggling with your recovery and ready to receive treatment, call Rancho Milagro at (951) 526-4582. Rancho Milagro is a treatment facility located in the secluded hills of Temecula, CA, where you can have a private and peaceful recovery experiencing. At Rancho Milagro, we offer detox and inpatient treatment with a team of professionals that are committed to your recovery. We believe in treating the entire person: mind, body, and spirit. Because there is no one path to recovery, at Rancho Milagro you will receive an individualized plan of care and attentive staff. We offer many kinds of therapy including art, nature, and massage as well as miles of private hiking trails and over 20 farm and therapy animals.